The Independent Guardian ad Litem Agency (TIGALA) was formed in 2014 and operates nationally.

The independent Guardian ad Litem Agency was created to achieve and ensure a consistently high level of Practice standards for all Guardians within the agency.
Our Practice PrinciplesAll Guardians ad Litem with Tigala:
- Have a high level of skill and knowledge.
- Have qualifications that are academically accredited and suited to the role.
- Have the appropriate level of clinical support.
- Have been properly vetted to work with children.
- Have been registered with National Bodies such as CORU or any other professional body that supports governance in this area of work.
All Guardians ad Litem within The Independent Guardian ad Litem Agency are charged with working to the brief set out to them by the court. They dedicate their time and efforts to represent the wishes and feelings of a child and their best interests to the court, providing oral and written evidence on the basis of direct discussion and interviews with the child and associated enquiries.
Meet Our Guardians Ad LItemWe operate nationally.
TIGALA head office is in Smithfield, Dublin, with a secondary office in Cork.
Guardians ad Litem can work at all locations across the country. All TIGALA Guardians ad Litem have a full suite of clearance documents secured by Tigala including Garda clearance and CORU registration.