All TIGALA Guardians ad Litem have a minimum of 10 years’ experience working with children and families.
Our Guardians ad Litem
Our Trusted Experts

Marie Gilmartin
Guardian ad Litem
Marie is a Professionally Qualified Social Worker and has been working in the area of Children and Families since 2006.
Marie has worked with Children and Families from initial Child Protection risk assessments at the point of referral, to making long term plans for children who are in care. Her professional Social Work practice includes conducting risk assessments, parenting capacity assessments, managing a mixed caseload of children at risk in the community, children in care including foster care; residential care; special care; high support and therapeutic placements. She conducted investigations into allegations of child abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Marie was in the role of Team Leader for a Children in Care Team from 2013-2018.
Marie was seconded to the Southside Interagency Treatment Team (SIATT) for six years (2007-2013). SIATT works with adolescent males who have sexually abused, their Guardians and Carers.
Marie has been involved in managing complex cases, engaging with young people, families and other agencies. Marie has both brought and supervised applications to the High Court with regard to children in Special Care and has extensive experience working with and planning for young people in a Special Care setting.
Marie has been appointed by the District Court to Children in Care of all ages to represent their wishes and feelings in Court and to make independent enquiries and recommendations as to their needs and best interests. Marie has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem to children who have been detained under the Mental Health Act, 2001. In addition to this, Marie has completed ‘Voice of the Child’ reports as per the Family Relationships Act, 2015, to convey the views of children who are subject to Court proceedings in both the District Court and High Court. She has been appointed to children who are subject to wardship proceedings in the High Court. She has also completed comprehensive assessments under Section 47 of the Family Law Act, 1995 and presented them to both the District Court and High Court.
2004–2006 | Masters in Social Science (Social Work) (2.1 Hons) University College Dublin, NQSW Dissertation: “The role of Social Workers in facilitating a positive access experience for children in long term Foster Care and their Birth Parents”
2003 | Professional Certificate in Children and Loss, Irish Hospice Foundation (RCSI Accredited)
2000–2003 | BSocSc (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy, University College Dublin
Professional Groups/Membership
Marie is fully registered with CORU
Member of the IASW
Member of NAGALRO Professional Association for Children’s Guardians, Family Court Advisers and Independent Social Workers
Member of Irish Attachment in Action (IAA)
Further Education and Training
2018–Present | Monthly Professional and Training Sessions with TIGALA
2020 | Training in Narrative Model for communicating with children about challenging issues (psychological pathways)
2019–2020 | The Healing Power of Play; Supporting Children and Teenagers to heal from Trauma, Joanna Fortune
2019 | Relational and Developmental Trauma, Dr Karen Treisman
2019 | Level One Theraplay Training
2019 | Marshak Interaction Method for observing and assessing the overall quality and nature of relationships between caregivers and a child
2012 | The Professional Cert in Children & Loss, Irish Hospice Foundation, Accredited by Royal College of Surgeons
2009–2010 | Contemporary Social Work Theory Course
Employment History
2018–Present | Guardian Ad Litem, TIGALA, Dublin. Guardian ad Litem for children involved in child care proceedings, representing children’s wishes and views and advocating for their best interests to be met. Completing reports ordered by the Court in relation to family law proceedings, within District, Circuit and High Court proceedings
2013–2018 | Interim Team Leader Children in Care Team, TUSLA Child and Family Agency, Dublin South West/ Kildare West Wicklow.
2007–2013 | Southside Interagency Treatment Team (SIATT). Interagency and multidisciplinary programme working with adolescent males who have demonstrated sexually harmful behaviour and their parents.
2006–2013 | Social Worker, TUSLA Child and Family Agency, Dublin South West
2004–2006 | Relief Project Worker, Focus Ireland
2003–2004 | Community service volunteer, Focus Ireland
Children and teenagers with complex needs and difficulties in engaging with professionals
Children who have been placed in Special Care
Children who have experienced sexual abuse
Working with parents who have intellectual disabilities and their children
Ongoing and regular training in Irish Sign Language
Supervisee and Supervision for Supervisors Training
Provided Student Social Workers from UCD and TCD with professional placements(2010-2017)