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A portrait of Colin Hall, a TIGALA Guardian ad Litem.

Colin Hall

Guardian ad Litem


Colin started his social work career in residential work with children and young people before qualifying as a social worker in 1984. He has 30 years’ experience as a social work practitioner and manager working with young offenders, children in care, child protection, and disability and fostering. Colin has been a Guardian ad Litem since 2013.

Colin worked in many areas of the UK including London, the South east and the South west of England.

He has done extensive Court work in the UK and Ireland and has good report writing skills as well as good interpersonal skills.

Colin feels that it’s important to have worked as a social worker before becoming a Guardian ad Litem. He knows what it is like to be on sides of the fence so he is realistic about the services for children and the waiting lists for assessments. At the same time he will advocate for children and young people if they require a particular service.

Colin enjoys working in partnership with the CFA, parents and other professionals to help achieve good outcomes for children. Being a Guardian is very much a hands on role at the coal face and he enjoys working with children and young people. One needs to be balanced and non- judgemental and willing to listen and respect the views of others.

Colin believes in collaboration especially during the Family Court Proceedings. Adversarial styles do not really work in the family court and the Judiciary prefer the different parties to come to some sort of consensus and agreement on the way forward.

The Child should be at the centre and their welfare is paramount so he always keeps this in mind when he is working alongside families. There are painful decisions to be made so he always asks himself what’s in their best interests in the long term?

In recent years he has also taken on a number of Section 25 cases where young people are detained in hospital.

This has been really interesting, totally different and a real learning curve for Colin.

When he does have some spare time his passion is watching football and he flies to the UK on a regular basis with his family to watch Sunderland. This confirms that he does have a good sense of humour.


1984 | CQSW and diploma in social work (UK)

1982–1984 | Bristol Polytechnic, Social work course

Registered with the Social Work Council in Ireland and UK.

Further Education and Training

Monthly Professional and Training Sessions with TIGALA


2015 | Child Protection and Decision Making, Facilitatedby Child and Family Training UK

2014 | The Role of the Guardian ad Litem ( RosemaryGantly, Solicitor)

2014 | The Voice of the Child in Care BASPCAN, JudgeRosemary Horgan, Professor Ursula Kilkelly, Lucy Tynan, Dr. Stephanie Holt.

2014 |  ‘In MyShoes’ A computer assisted interview for communicating with children andVulnerable Adults, University of Liverpool

2014 | Mind Brain & Parental Mental Health, AmandaJones, The Bessborough Centre, Cork

2013 | Listening to children’s wishes and feelings.

2013 | Special guardianship.

2013 | Looking after young sexual perpetrators.

2013 | Solution focused brief therapy with children.

2013 | Attachment Theory & Practice, safe caring &child protection and leadership skills Supervision skills.

2013 | Dealing with child abuse and witchcraft.

2013 | GAL Induction Training Child and Family SolutionsNational Assessment & GAL Service Ltd.

2013 | Court Report Writing, Rosemary Gantly, Solicitor

2013 | Research, Dr. Helen Buckley, T.C.D. Dublin.

2013 | Legal Considerations for Guardians, Gerard O’Brien,Solicitor

2013 | Multiple Attachment, Dr. Helen Gogarty

2013 | Access : Positive and Negative factors in decisionmaking, Dr. Helen Gogarty

2013 | The Neuroscience of Trauma, Dr. Cathal McAuliffe,Clinical Psychologist

2013 | Messages for Practice and Policy from NationalReview Panel, Dr. Helen Buckley, T.C.D

2013 | Review of Guardian Role, Orla Ryan/CeiliO’Callaghan

2012 | Developments in Safeguarding and child carepractice.

2012 | Equality and diversity.

2012 | Leadership and management training

Employment History

2013 | Appointed as Guardian Ad Litem with Child and Family Solutions. Relocated to Ireland September 2013

2012–2013 | Families for Children Fostering Agency, Worthing Operational Development Consultant

2010–2012 | Mosaic Foster Care, Registered Fostering Manager

2007–2010 | HSE Dublin North Central Fostering Team, Team Manager

2005–2007 | Cornwall County Council, Social worker / Fostering

2001–2005 | Families for Children Independent Fostering Agency, Battle Operation

Earlier Career

1979-1997 | Similar roles as Social Worker in the South of England

Colin Hall

Guardian ad Litem

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